About NsNewsWire

NsNewsWire is an award winning news agency in Bangladesh.
NsNewsWire is Bangladesh’s first press news agency which already signed news exchange agreement with many leading news agencies, dailies and tv channels in Bangladesh and elsewhere in Asia.
A number of Bangladesh’s leading print and electronic media journalists, photo journalists and video journalists has been working for our NsNewsWire established nearly six years earlier.
NsNewsWire through its Editor Sheuli Akter has got award from Chinese government’s World Media Summit (WMS). NsNewsWire Editor Sheuli Akter, a female journalist, and Chief Editor NK Sanchaya attended award ceremony in Beijing in January 2015.Sheuli Akter has previously worked for UNB, now defunct Bangladesh Observer andTuck Magazine (Canada).
NK (Naim Ul Karim) Sanchaya is also a truly professional journalist. Prior to joining NsNewsWire, he worked at the Financial Express.Apart from NsNewsWire, he has also been working for Xinhua News Agency of China. Mr. Karim is a member of the National Press Club. A consistently dependable team player, he thrives in a high pressure environment, enjoy the challenges of meeting deadlines and managing a team, and is comfortable researching, writing and editing on a wide range of topics in both Bengali and English languages.