First-ever photography exhibition on disaster preparedness held in Bangladesh

Musharraf Hossain Ahmed

by  Multimedia Correspondent Musharraf Hossain Ahmed

DHAKA, Feb. 12 (NsNewsWire) — The  Dhaka North City Corporation (DNCC) & SEEDS Asia Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) Photography Exhibition Award Ceremony was held Sunday in capital Dhaka.

As a part of Japanese Technical Cooperation Project under the JICA Partnership Program titled “Capacity Building for Community-Based DRR in Urban Areas of Bangladesh”, DNCC and SEEDS Asia, a Japan-based organisation, organized the first DRR photography competition, “Tell Us Your Story”, in Bangladesh in November 2017.

The first-ever photography competition on Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR)received over 250 photographs from citizens in Bangladesh and 50 photographs were selected by our jury board.

The exhibition, aiming to raise awareness on disaster risk and risk reduction among people, displays the selected 50 photographs as well as 30 photographs sent from Kobe newspaper, Japan.

Among the 50 photos, the best 10 are going to be awarded at the ceremony.

Panel Mayor of DNCC M Osman Gani was present as the chief guest while Chief Representative of JICA Takatoshi Nishikata as the special guest at  the exhibition followed by a competition,…

Winners of the first photography contest on disaster risk reduction pose for a photograph with DNCC Panel Mayor Md Osman Gani and other guests at the prize giving ceremony of the contest at the auditorium of Bishwa Sahitya Kendra in the capital on Sunday.

Japan International Co-operation Agency, DNCC and Seeds Asia gave the award to 10 winners of the contest.

SEEDS Asia is a foremost DRR implementing organisation based in Kobe, Japan. It has a respected international experience in the Asia Pacific region with a special focus on strengthening urban resilience, community participation and DRR research.