Facebook is probably worse than corporal punishment to impede the development children

Somewhere among the group of happy, smiling faces and cricket stars of the future is anti corporal punishment crusader Sir Frank Peters. (Photo: Ashikur Rahman)

Haydarabad Sporting Club held its annual Cricket Grand Final on the weekend.

Village family homes emptied to watch the local (and would be international) teen stars battle it out for glory on the temporary cricket ground they had made.

 Anti corporal punishment crusader Sir Frank Peters was the special Guest of Honour on the happy occasion. In his brief speech Sir Frank encouraged the young players to give as much energy and concentration to their studies as they do to cricket.

 “Whatever you do in life, always give it your best, “ he advised the appreciative audience, “if you don’t, you will never really learn what you are really capable of achieving and that would be a shame,” he added.

 Sir Frank who launched a campaign to rid the nation of corporal punishment in all settings (schools, homes and madrassahs) in 2010, also advised:

“Be aware, Facebook is probably worse than corporal punishment to impede the development of children. While corporal punishment is predominantly the scourge of some schools that nobody in their right mind would invite into their lives, Facebook is the deadly virus that damages the brain that silly people actually seek out, sign-up for, and invite into their lives without knowledge of its inherent dangers,” he said.

After responding to many selfie seekers, Sir Frank was given rapturous applause and showered with smiles as he left. press release

